Process Course
With a structured procedure and scientifically tested instruments, we always keep an eye on the target and are transparent for our clients at all times.
- Corporate analysis
- Determination of the relevant factors for success
- Strategic success portfolio
- Definition of the search strategy
- Research
- Insertion
- Contacts
- Pre-selection
- Longlist
- Interviews
- Overview
- Recommendation
- Candidate presentation
- Clarification of references
- Assessments
- Employment decision
- Feedback talks
- Verification of success
Summary of the essentials:
- A strategic profile of success developed in detail ensures a mutual understanding of the search profile and permits target-oriented procedure.
- We individually align the search strategy with your needs (direct contact, print and online platforms, social media, database).
- Important information on the right fit result from the matching forecast of the success profile with the personality profile of the candidate.
- We also support you with individual services in the scope of integration after recruiting.
Details on the process:
In the scope of a confidential, bilateral meeting, the relevant factors for success for the positions to be filled are determined based on the corporate objectives. In addition to the required competences, knowledge and experience, psychological requirements (“soft factors”) are recorded that are illustrated in a personality profile. The basis for this is comprehensive understanding of corporate culture and its strategic alignment and deeper industry know-how of the consultant. The strategic profile of success developed in detail ensures a mutual understanding of the vacancy for which a person is to be recruited and permits target-oriented, effective and efficient procedures. Since all consultants at Level Consulting AG work in a very team- and network-oriented manner, the high quality of search processes can be warranted at all times.
A wide-spread network in the different industries and a research team working with great routine and target-orientation permit quick identification of potential candidates. The search strategy with individual market processing instruments is individually coordinated with your needs. In addition to research in our databases, insertion and direct contacts, user of new media as well as innovative web-based approaches are important components in gaining best candidates for the vacant job.
With well-founded knowledge of the human nature and the scientifically tried and tested assessment competence according to a matching forecast between success profile and personality profile, clear recommendations can be made on the candidate’s fit. The indicative overall dossier contains not only an overview of the most important information but also all the relevant documents of the applicant. It is submitted to the customer to prepare for the candidate presentation.
The most promising candidates are introduced to the customer in an interview moderated by the consultant. Candidates are shortlisted in coordination with the consultant, with comprehensive reference clarification and additional assessments being permitted. Until the decision has been definitely reached and the contract has subsequently been signed, the consultant engages in close exchange of information with the parties involved.
The knowledge from the selection procedure permits us to actively support our customers in best integration of the new employee even after the decision to employ him. Our practical support ensures that the onboarding process has a positive result and the ability to perform pays off as quickly as possible. Other follow-up discussions after several months are important for quality assurance and can generate true added value for the customer as well.